Insight creates understanding, and understanding breaks down barriers.
A typical High:five process
Even though our matches between young people and workplaces are as different as the young people and workplaces involved, we have nevertheless tried to outline a typical High:Five process.
High:Five is contacted by the Møgelkær State Prison who has a young offender matching our requirements. This young person will be released in three months and is going to move to Aarhus.
The Aarhus branch of High:Five is informed, and a project manager drives to Møgelkær to talk to the young person and confirm whether he lives up to our requirements. The young person would like training as a carpenter and have participated in the basic training programme at Møgelkær.
The project manager cooperates with several carpenter’s businesses in Aarhus and gets in touch with these. One of the businesses would like to talk to the young person, and a CV is prepared and forwarded. The prison authorities help the young offender get a criminal record and organise a visit allowing the offender to go for an interview with the carpenter’s business. The High:Five project manager attends this meeting with the assent of the carpenter’s business.
The business decides to employ the young person when he is released, but requests that he gets work security training. High:Five arranges this with the prison staff. The business also requests a two-week trial period during which they and the young person can assess each other.
High:Five gets in touch with the Aarhus district authorities who organise a two-week unpaid training period starting at the time of the young offender’s release. High:Five meanwhile raises finances for mentor support at the workplace during these two weeks. The paperwork is prepared by the district authorities, and High:Five assists the business with signatures and submission of the papers to the proper authorities.
The workplace appoints a mentor who will take care of the young person during the start-up phase, and the High:Five project manager talks to the mentor regularly ensuring that he knows the young person and his own task. The mentor is also offered training at the High:Five mentoring course.
The workplace requests that the High:Five project manager monitors the start-up phase closely, and the project manager visits the workplace regularly to make sure that everything is going according to plan.
After two weeks, the carpeting business informs High:Five that they intend to hire the young person and need no further assistance. However, they are told that they can always contact High:Five if they encounter unexpected problems with the young person.